

将自己定位为要求苛刻的服务型领导者, 具有挑战性的, 并通过理科硕士(M.S.) in Clinical Mental Health Counseling degree program at 十大赌博网站. Select courses and 浓度 that will impact your career goals, 作为一名咨询师,练习展示你的信仰, and prepare for clinical licensure in the State of Florida.

教育学院 & 行为研究





以PBA的价值观为基础, the knowledge and experience of counseling and helping professions, 以及我们深厚的基督教信仰基础, M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling program prepares you for a meaningful and long-lasting career.

You’ll prepare for clinical licensure and a broad variety of professional contexts through our rigorous academic curriculum, 实地体验式学习, 个人成长经历, and close mentoring relationships with highly skilled faculty.

  • 信仰的传承: Practice maintaining a distinctively Christian and clinically professional identity.
  • 临床许可: Our program is structured to meet the requirements for Mental Health Counseling or 学校心理咨询 licensure in the State of Florida.
  • 专业:遵循临床心理健康咨询的轨道, 加入四种可选浓度中的一种, or advance your credentials with a non-degree certificate.
  • 多样化的服务在文化上, 种族, 佛罗里达南部和中部语言多样, 你会为客户服务, 邻居, 以及各种各样的社区.


的 mission of the Counselor Education Program is to facilitate a holistic educational experience, through which students 开发 personal and professional qualities, 能力, 道德的判断, 精神意识, as they prepare for professional service in school counseling, 临床心理健康咨询, 或在相关领域深造.

female students smiling and taking notes at 十大赌博网站


规划你的道路. 开启十大赌博网站.



With PBA’s 临床心理健康咨询 degree, you will:

  • Exhibit proficient counseling skills to form and build on professional relationships within the context of 临床心理健康咨询
  • 使用基于经验的策略来识别道德, 在文化上, 以及与发展相适应的预防措施, 干预措施, 倡导治疗心理健康问题
  • Develop and demonstrate appropriate professional dispositions expected of counselors
  • Integrate theologically informed and spiritually sensitive 干预措施 in counseling practice when appropriate and desired by clients
  • 应用 counseling knowledge, skills, and dispositions in professional practice.


各州的执照和认证要求各不相同. M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at PBA covers the coursework and experiential requirements for Mental Health Counseling or 学校心理咨询 licensure in Florida, but you may need to complete additional requirements to seek licensure in another state. 审查完整的州执照要求.

In tailoring our program to the State of Florida’s strict licensure standards, 我们保证学术严谨性, 专业经验, and overall quality of our 临床心理健康咨询 degree.


Master’s in Clinical Mental Health Counseling program is designed to prepare you for clinical licensure in Florida. You’ll become fluent in the foundations of clinical practice, 包括法律标准, 评估及测试, 诊断与治疗, and diverse theories and techniques for specialized approaches related to groups, 药物滥用, 婚姻家庭制度, 和更多的. You may also choose an optional concentration to further hone your studies to align with your career goals.

复习M的所有课程.S. 心理健康咨询.

To be considered for the 临床心理健康咨询 degree program at PBA, 你需要证明你:

  1. Hold a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution
  2. 达到本科最低GPA 3.0对4.0等级,个别情况下有例外
  3. 提交:
    • 在线申请
    • Official transcript from college/university where bachelor’s degree was conferred and from college/university where prerequisite courses were taken
    • 两份保密推荐表格
    • 论文(提示)
  4. 教师面试

Note: Admission decision recommendations are made by the Counselor Education Program’s 教师 Selection Committee and include consideration of each applicant’s articulation of career goals, 学业成绩记录, 相关准备及经验, 成为一名顾问的潜在成功, 以及对不同文化和人群的开放态度.

Statement of Diversity: PBA complies with all applicable federal and state nondiscrimination laws and does not engage in unlawful discrimination on the basis of age, 性别, 残疾, 资深地位, 比赛, 在任何雇佣实践中的肤色或国籍, 招生, 教育计划或教育活动. 这项非歧视政策涵盖了招生, employment and access to and treatment in University programs, 服务及活动.

开始你走向全面发展的旅程, 深思熟虑的, 和有影响力的心理健康咨询师 应用.xinban3.com/应用.

在这一页的底部, 创建帐户 创建一个新的应用程序. 然后,您将:

  • 创建一个新的研究生申请
  • 选择西十大赌博网站 OR 奥兰多作为校园/地点
  • 选择咨询学位作为重点
  • 选择你的入学学期和学年(春季从一月份开始), 夏天从五月开始, 秋季从8月开始).
  • 填写您的个人信息.
  • 填写推荐人的联系信息. 的y will receive an email with instructions on submitting recommendations.
  • 提交申请.
  • 后提交, a checklist will populate that keeps you abreast of your progress toward the completion of your application. It will alert you once your transcripts and recommendations have been received. 
  • Use the provided hyperlink to complete the required essay 
  • 填妥的申请表 是否会安排复核和面试. 见下面的面试时间表.
  • Admission decisions will be communicated to applicants within 72 hours of interviews.


M .的面试日期.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling program follow a consistent schedule:

9:45 – 10 a.m.-免费咖啡/茶(可选).

10 a.m. -小组访谈环节

  • 介绍教师和所有与会者
  • PowerPoint presentation by faculty providing an overview of the program (specialization, 浓度, 临床经验, 必修课程, 其他评估, 课程表, 等.)

11:30 a.m. ——问题 & 教师和校友答疑环节

12 p.m. -个别面试环节

  • 与项目教员单独面谈 

1:00 p.m. -面试结束

在M区.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, you will learn primarily in a traditional, residential format. 有些课程是在线提供的, including those specific to the Crisis and Trauma Counseling concentration. 所有程序, 浓度, and certificates are available at both our 西十大赌博网站 and Orlando campuses.

Your formative and summative assessments will take many forms, 包括但不限于测验, 考试, 讲座, 小组讨论,, 演讲, 研究论文, 角色扮演活动, 领域经验, and engagement with Canvas (PBA’s online learning management system).

Determine whether to pursue an optional concentration based on your existing work experience and long-term professional aspirations. 的 Master’s in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 浓度 包括:

  • Counseling in School Settings—study school counseling as it relates to students, 老师, 父母, 和机构
  • Crisis and Trauma Counseling—examine physiological effects of trauma and potential 干预措施 
  • Marriage and Family Studies—prepare for further education and work in marriage and family therapy
  • Play 的rapy—explore expressive theories and techniques for child and adolescent therapy

应用 your learned counseling knowledge in clinical settings through two hands-on, 面对面的体验机会. 的se courses are designed to meet Florida’s Mental Health Counseling licensing requirements.

在实习课程中, you will work alongside an on-site licensed mental health professional and a university supervisor to complete a minimum of 100 clock hours, 其中至少40小时必须是直接服务. You’ll further 开发 your skills and experience in a two-semester internship over 600+ clock hours, 包括至少240小时的直接服务. Review the full practicum and internship course requirements.

If you work or intend to work in 药物滥用 counseling, gain additional training in our Counselor Education Program, which can lead to CAP (Certified Addiction Professional) designation. CAP is a professional 药物滥用 credential for people who assess, 开发, 并提供药物滥用治疗服务和计划.

NOTE: 的 Counselor Education Program will not directly certify you in addiction counseling; it helps you fulfill the educational requirement toward the CAP.

用毕业证书来提升你的资历. 的se shorter programs empower you with targeted expertise related to your existing job or professional goals. Our certificate programs, available to non-degree seeking students, 包括:

  • 危机与创伤咨询证书
  • 游戏治疗研究生证书
  • 学校辅导证书
  • 婚姻及家庭治疗研究证书


Based on the student data from the 2017 cohort completion rate and credentialing 考试:
使用状态许可验证工具, 由佛罗里达临床社会工作委员会提供, 婚姻家庭治疗和心理健康咨询, it was determined that 35/64 students obtained a license from the state of Florida. 一些毕业生被标记为已逝, and some have remained registered interns – yet to be licensed. It is not known, at this time, how many (might) have sought/obtained a license in other states. Future outcome surveys will more accurately track this data, and also provide job placement rates. 


Using the standard 150% model for reporting completion rates of students, the following represents the most recent 十大赌博网站 Clinical Mental Health Counseling completion rate.

2017年CMH队列, 20 students graduated within 150% of normal time to graduate and 4 did not (83% vs 17%). This is counting any student who started in 2017 under CMH and finished their master’s degree within 150% time. 不是所有人都是在CMH毕业的,但他们确实是在PBA毕业的. 的 breakdown of programs completed by the CMH 2017 Cohort is as follows:


基于NACE第一目的地调查模板, 2020-21届:22名毕业生, 8 reported to be employed (6 in full-time and 2 in part-time employment), 平均工资为45美元,每年000. 的se outcomes are commensurate to the university’s Business Administration master’s program which reported the same number of graduates and employment rates.



杰里米Bonta, Ph.D., LMHC-S,心理咨询助理教授*

凯瑟琳·博索·伊恩多利, Ph.D.,心理咨询学院助理教授*

史蒂芬布朗, Ph.D., LMHC-S, NCC,心理咨询助理教授*

Devie Forrester Ed.D., LMFT, Certified School Counselor, Director, Counselor Education Program*

菲利普•亨利, Ph.D., LP, Qualified Supervisor (MHC), Professor of Counseling *

Ana Jaramillo de Graham, Ph.D.,心理咨询助理教授*

林赛Kozachuk-Allen, Ph.D.,心理咨询助理教授*

乔安娜Kutsukos Ed.D., LMHC-S,心理咨询助理教授*

劳拉·伦登·芬内尔, LMHC-S, NCC, CCMHC, Instructor of Counseling, Clinical Director, Counselor Education Program

史蒂文Vensel, Ph.D., L.C.S.W.,心理咨询副教授*



Grecia埃尔南德斯, Program Coordinator教育与行为研究学院

Natalya Norus,成功教练、网上报名

基思·道森研究生院主任 & 网上报名



金融援助 & 奖学金 



十大赌博网站 is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and 学校 Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC). PBA管理.S. degree in Counseling (specialization in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and 学校心理咨询) is designed to meet the current academic requirements for the state of Florida to pursue a license as a mental health counselor or certification as a school counselor, 分别. Licensure/certification varies from state to state and graduates should be prepared to abide by additional requirements when seeking licensure/certification in a state other than Florida.

十大赌博网站’s Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling is accredited by the Council of 认证 of Counseling and Related Educational Program (CACREP), 位于蒙哥马利街500号, 350套房, 亚历山大, VA 22314. 认证 has been granted for the period, July 13, 2022 – March 31, 2032


Serve individuals and communities in a wide variety of settings, 包括学校和大学, 社区机构, 私人诊所, 危机中心, 人道主义组织, 以及政府机构.

Master’s in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at PBA equips you for professional licensure in the State of Florida and sets you on a path toward success if you choose to pursue licensure or certification in another jurisdiction. 你能很好地满足高需求 心理健康咨询师预计未来十年将增长18%. 我们的课程也为你做准备 学校心理咨询 licensure, where the median annual salary is more than $60,000.






千禧大道4700号. Ste. 100

电话: 561-803-2897



质疑理论, 概念, 以及形成现代的方法, 历史, and biblically informed perspectives of the human mind in the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Psychology degree program at 十大赌博网站.

护理实践博士,D.N.P. (精神科及精神健康护士课程)

Our DNP – PMHNP track will prepare you to work in a variety of settings, caring for individuals experiencing various mental health conditions.

a group of students sitting in a classroom listening to a lecture

社区心理学B.S. (在线)

世界上有很多受伤的人. 也许你也经历过. Maybe your goal is to give back both professionally and simply as human being, loving your neighbor. 的 十大赌博网站 program helps you do more, equipping you with skills to embark on a rewarding career where you will help people improve their mental well-being.